Welcome to Vietnam. This is perhaps Ho Chi Minh's distinguishing characteristic. In Lima, Peru crossing the street is a test in your ability to weave through the traffic. Jump out of the way or find yourself squashed on the Avenue of the Americas. And no one cares. In Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minh, if you attempt to jump out of the way of an oncoming motorcyle--consider yourself doomed. Motorcyclists take into account your pace as pedestrians cross.
I can't seem to trust that motorcylists will smoothly pass me by. Here is the dominant piece of advice I get as a newbie: walk slowly, deliberately and just trust the drivers. What they don't tell you is that under no circumstances should you walk in front of a buse. Sure, motorcycles swim around you. Buses just take you out. This is for future reference Ho Chi Minh City visitors!
As I make my way carefully across every block, I can't shake away the image of the small girl who fell off her motorcycle in front of us on Hai Ba Trung (one of the major avenues). As other motorcyles weaved past her, her small group riding with her tried to bring her back to consciousness.
I didn't stick around for the ending , but in a city where no one stops, I was comforted by the abundant of people come out of the woodwork calling for help.
Tomorrow is Day 5. I hope to not only conquer crossing streets but make phone calls to NGOs and the Vietnamese government and do my best to not offend people with my silly mannerisms.
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